Transactions Details
Token Transfers
Token transfer history in the transaction. It displays a list of the most recent transactions from top to bottom.
NFT Transfers
NFT transfer history in the transaction. It displays a list of the most recent transactions from top to bottom.
Internal Transactions
Sub-transactions are executed when a transaction is executed, which can be viewed in the “Internal Transactions” tab. Provides details on how the transaction was executed.
Event Logs
Provide history of events that occurred during the transactions.
Input Data
Additional data provided by the transaction sender or the contract. The input data is decoded and displayed when the code is matched, or when the code uses a well-known method. The decoded value can then be viewed in “Table View” or “Default view.”
Account Update
If the transaction's "Type" is set as "Account Update,' it provides information on the update. For instance, if there was a hacking incident and an update took place, information about which legacy's PublicKey the new PublicKey was, is provided to make related addresses more trackable.
Please note that the Legacy address displayed after interpretation is only a result calculated from the PublicKey and is not related to Account Key. Legacy addresses and Ethereum addresses share the same private key.
Internal Transaction Trace
In the "Internal Transaction" tab, click the "Trace Details" to move to the Transaction Trace page. There you can see details on Internal Transactions information. Provides information on full stack trace of all invoked opcodes of the transaction.
Last updated