Approval & Revoke

Klaytnscope allows you to view and cancel the approval list for all tokens/NFTs created from the Account.

Users sometimes forget that they have approved their tokens as they use various DeFi sites. Anonymous projects sometimes exploit this opportunity to steal tokens by updating the Approve Spender to a malicious contract.

Klaytnscope allows you to safely manage your assets by canceling the token approval of contracts that are no longer used or have ended. It supports Kaikas/Metamask/Klip/Decent wallet connections, and you can immediately revoke each approval after connecting your wallet.

How to use:

  1. Click [Connect Wallet] in the upper right corner to connect your wallet.

  2. Click on “My Wallet Address” listed in the upper right corner (same area) to go to the account page. You can also go directly to the account page by typing your wallet address.

  3. Click on the [Approvals] tab.

  4. You can see the list of tokens approved by the “Approved Spender”. Click the [Revoke] button to revoke approval for the token you want to cancel.

  5. Proceed transaction in your wallet.

  6. Refresh the screen after closing the pop-up to confirm that the revoked Spender has been removed from the approval list.

※ Note

  • The wallet's network must be Klaytn “Mainnet”.

  • The wallet generates a transaction when revoking, so you need to have a small amount of KLAY in your wallet to cover the transaction fee. For this reason, it is recommended that you have approximately 1 KLAY in your wallet before starting.

Last updated