
The dashboard provides Klaytn Network information.

Block Height

Latest Block Number. You can find out how many blocks there are since the Genesis block.

Network Performances

Total number of consensus nodes

The number of nodes participating in the current network consensus.

Average block generation time in an hour / 24 hours

Average block generation time in an hour / 24 hours.

Average number of transactions in a block

The average number of transactions executed in a block over the past 24 hours.

Transaction History

A graph showing 31 days' worth of daily transactions.

Total Burnt

Provides information on the number of total KLAYs burnt over the past 31 days.

A total KLAY burnt is calculated by adding the KLAY burnt for the gas fee, manually burned KLAY, and KLAY burnt during KIP103 hard fork.

Recent blocks & Transactions

Updates recently created blocks and transactions in real-time.

Last updated